how can I make the input sit beneath the question?

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.fields .field .field-text input doesn't seem to give me any way of moving the input under the question. The basic problem I had with the Table layout was I couldn't move the inputs. Same problem here. Left/right layout looks terrible if you have a long question. I want the input under the question.

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You'll need to figure out how to use CSS to style the form the way you want. There shouldn't be any default styles applied to this custom template as-is (other than browser defaults).

Do you have CSS that you know works on static html pages but isn't working when applied to this template, or do you not know what CSS you should use to achieve the desired layout? I'm happy to help either way, just need to know what the problem is specifically (i.e. is it a problem with the custom CSS not loading in the first place, or is it a problem with the CSS code itself).

zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I was using css to style it. The input will not move to another line no matter what I do. If you know it can move to a second line, then I would imagine you know the secret magic trick CSS that does it. I can't figure it out. Tried everything I know that usually forces an element to the next line and nothing works.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Will be hard to say without seeing the actual html/css you're working with.

But in general I imagine you could put position: relative on each field's wrapper div (the one that goes around the label and the field), then put position: absolute on the label wrapper and set bottom: 0

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