'Please fill out this field' Firefox popup won't allow save

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Hi Jordan
Kinda of a weird one this! When I add a form and select formless layout in custom templates I can't update the 'notify me by email' field in the options tab, when you click on save a random popup appears top left of the browser in Firefox v34.0.5 saying 'Please fill out this field' and won't allow the save. In safari and chrome no popup but it still won't allow the save.
Regards, Simon

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I unfortunately don't know what the problem might be. My guess is some javascript or css in the custom template is interfering with the edit interface.

Good luck,
robodev replied on at Permalink Reply
Ran into exactly the same issue with 5.6. You need to delete/recreate the form and it works.

It seems that a 'pre-built' form that was part of my theme had some weirdness to it. Tried with Chrome/Firefox/IE, no difference.

Look at the elements you want to keep in the form, then delete the form block.

Re-add the form, add in the elements you need, and it works fine. The clue is that when you create a new form, the button says "Add" vs Save.

But once I recreate the form, it now won't let me edit it. So to add a second email send-to address, again the browser is responding with 'please fill out this field' as an alert.
blueorangedesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Robodev thanks for this

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Apache/2.4.9 (Unix)

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