value calculation

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Is it possible to calculate and display values ​​on the fly in dependencies? For example, multiplying two dependencies.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope Not available.
Could you explain how this should work. Maybe it's something we can develop.
dlugilong replied on at Permalink Reply
Seeing this like:

We create a field number and in the form. Then someone enters a number. Next the second field number and again someone enters the number, etc.Then we add the field result, which immediately displays the result (multiple, addition, substraction, ...), which then sends result to an email
dlugilong replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe is it possibility to add addition )or any math) directly in form (insert somewhere in the code)? Something like var x = 'integer field_1' + 'integer_field_2';
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Makes sence... I'll add this on the TODO-list.
I can't give any guarantees or timelime.... sorry....

For now you can use the callbacks in the forms javascript. But that would require some programming on your part.... :)



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Is it possible to calculate and display values ​​on the fly in dependencies? For example, multiplying two dependencies.

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