How to change field sizes

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I've created a basic form which displays with an odd layout (see attached). I want to ensure that the fields' sizes are the same and the form looks 'balanced'. Having reviewed various forum posts I'm aware that I can edit view.css but that will change all forms, not just the one I want to. Also, I assume that view.css will be overwritten with any upgrades/updates.

What is the best way to change the look of a single form?

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cordschneider replied on at Permalink Reply
As a follow-on to my original question, if I directly edit the HTML in Chrome using Inspect, and add the w100 css modifier to the field, it resizes correctly. For example,

<input type="email" id="your-email-6" name="your-email-6" value="" class="form-control ccm-input-email w100">

How do I add css modifiers to individual form elements?
cordschneider replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I've figured this out but the solution is messy and involves editing the view css file. Is this the only way? Ideally, the Formidable add-on should allow the user to manipulate an element's style...
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

On each element you can add a custom class. You can also add a class to each row the elements are in. And after that you can add a class to the whole form. So there should be enough options for you to add some custom styling.

But when you are using a theme there is always custom styling. I can't satisfy all users who use a theme. So you almost always have to create your own template for each block.

Just create a /blocks/formidable/templates/my_theme/ and add a view.php and view.css. You can create your own style and look.

For more info, please read this:

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