Display Single Record

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Is it possible to display only one specific record from a list of submissions to a specific form. I appears that it displays all records. I have about 20+ groups and I want the page formatted a specific way. I want staff to be able to update the records via the dashboard and then when the record is updated it feeds to the respective groups page using the list/details templates to accomplish this.


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
To display a single record you should be able to use the information below with a specific field set appropriately in the single record that you want to display using the 'if' attribute or you could use a comparison attribute.

Formify-If Attribute
<div> elements are used in the following examples, but the formify-if attribute may be used within any HTML element.

<div formify-if="handle"></div>
<div formify-status="approved"></div>
<div formify-status="pending"></div>
<div formify-status="rejected"></div>
<div formify-comparison="="></div>
<div formify-value="comparison value"></div>

As to the other part of your question its not absolutely clear to me as to what you are trying to achieve but you can grant access to members of a group to just part of the dashboard using advanced permission in C5. Any changes made to a record would automatically feed into a block on a page. If you wanted a group to access only a particular form on the formify dashboard then you would control that in the form settings under permissions.

Hope that helps

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