Download URL from file manager

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I need a bit of help with displaying files from the download manager.

The front-end form asks the admin/editor user to select pdf file(s) from the file manager. Which will be available for download on

Then within the Formify templates in need the above uploaded files to be available for download to the public. I don't want the full url to display on the page or the file name. I want the word Handout 1/Handout 2 linked to the files.

I used the following attribute within Formify (templates) "File from the file manager" in the Formify Content Area. But I get the whole url and the file name with no hot link.
<td>{{ handout1u }}</td>
<td>{{ handout2u }}</td>

thank you

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
I think the information in the post on the link below will answer your issue. Best Phil
tracyb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you.
Got this working but chance would you know how to open the file in a new window.
<td>{{ field-18[html:'true'] }}</td>

Thank you
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply

I think you would need to use a format similar to below in your template. It may not work without some tweaking. Best Phil

<td>]<field name="field-18" placeholder="field-18" >
        <a href="http://{{field-18 [html:'true'] }}" target="_blank">Click here to view</a></td>

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