Templates - download links for files in records

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I have a page that is used to add records to a form to include files. On a separate listing page, I have created lists of those records. I need to be able to download using links of the files that were uploaded. On previous version I used the following text. Could you please advise what it should be in the new version?

<field name="Upload" placeholder="File_Link" />
<td width="25%" align="center"><h5><a href="{{File_Link}}">Minutes</a></h5></td>

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
In the liquid templates that formify now uses to get the link use the format below.

{{ field_XXX | html }}

where field_XXX is your file upload field.

txadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
That's not working for me. I'm trying to link to a file that is uploaded. Since file names can differ and have different lengths, I want to create a standardized link name that is displayed instead of the file name.

I don't see any difference between {{ file }} and {{ file | html }}.
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh I see, sorry, try

<h5><a href="{{ fieldXXX.url }}">Minutes</a></h5>
where fieldXXX is your fileupload field
txadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
That did the trick. Thanks for that. That nugget of info should be put into the Formify documentation.

You wouldn't happen to know the script on this version for "inline" commands would you? In the older version it was <edit><delete> etc....
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
The developer has never added the ability to edit or delete inline in a record as you could in the old aff/dd package.
txadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
So the only way now to edit records is through the dashboard? That's rather inconvenient. I'm ok with content originators to edit their data but not via the dashboard. Is there a function that i'm missing?
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
No you are not missing anything. You can only edit forms via the dashboard.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

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