Twitter Feed - No Feed available

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I have, as carefully as I can, followed all the directions on both Twitters end via the documentation, I have my keys and secrets and access tokens created - as listed all for my site, and yet, my feed isn't being displayed. The block only returns the message "No Feed available".
I am happy to send screenshots of the twitter settings etc... and give you access to the site for set up. Not sure what might be going on. I have tried everything I can think of with no effect.
Any assistance would be great.

Thanks much.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sorry to hear you are having some issues. Do you want to PM the key information etc that you are entering and we'll see if we can set up this side, or if anything about the keys may not be correct.

If you can give us a login to your site we can go check it out there. Again please PM any information of this nature.

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