Adding attributes to image object

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Hi All!
Have been working on trying to pass a custom attribute back to the thisCurrentSlide object in Galleriffic.

Here is some of my block controller code in the block controller (modified)
function prepareImageArray(){
        $gallery_json       = new stdClass();
        $gallery_json->meta = new stdClass();
        $gallery_json->meta->order = Array();
        $gallery_json->meta->orderPointer = 0;
        $image_info = Array();
        foreach($this->images as $image){
            $tmp = $image;
            $f = File::getByID($image['fID']);
            $tmp['f'] = $f;
            // Get approved version of file
            // Get BTS URL Attribute

Has anyone got any tips on how to pick this up, maybe on the thisCurrentSlide object on the client?

The puzzling thing is it's not obvious how caption etc get back to the client -- is this using JSON or embedded in the DOM

Would really appreciate any tips
Kind regards

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Status: New
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Prema, it's actually quite simple the method used for passing in the title and description. You'll see a DIV tag for each image with a class of "image-titleg" or "image-descg". This is displayed. The view.php file checks if those attributes are set and controls the writing of this (line 92 - 111).

Hope this helps.

prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear JB!
Cool as -- thanks very much.
Really appreciate the help
Kind regards

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