Version History

Changes in 1.6.6

Block bugs fixed if no favorites or images exist.

Bug fix for 5.6+


Changes in 1.6.5

NEW BLOCK - GalleryBox Search

Fixed watermarking bug if image was not a jpg.

Added translation capability across entire package

Fixed Subscribe button on image view (would show up if disabled).

Various minor bug fixes.

Changes in 1.6

Added watermarking feature and removed 'public sets' from add-to-sets dialog to avoid confusion.

Changes in 1.5.1

Refactored CSS to avoid conflicts with site CSS

Changes in 1.5

Added dashboard pages to allow site owners to customize some features of GalleryBox

Overhauled the styling of all GalleryBox pages

Added ability for image owners to delete user notes

Added RSS feeds of user galleries

Added download button which allows visitors to download full size (can be turned off in the new dashboard page)

Ability to specify the maximum width of your pages to better utilize space your template may allow

Ability to specify maximum width and height of the zoomed image

Better embed code display

Two new blocks added with this package - GalleryBox Recent and GalleryBox favorites