Removeing page name and description from news items

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Hi there,

Just wondering of someone can point me in the right direction. I'd like to change the default for the hutman_news_item to NOT display the page name and description. Breadcrumb is OK to leave on page.

I removed the following from /packages/hutman_news/page_types/hutman_news_item.php
<h1 class="news-title"><?php echo $c->getAttribute('hutman_news_headline') ?></h1>
<h2 class="news-byline"><?php echo $c->getAttribute('hutman_news_byline')?></h2>

In the dashboard pages section when I look at the page template it looks as if it has been removed but when a page is made it still adds the page name and description if they are present in properties.

If the page name and descrption are left blank then it works but we then have a bunch of pages in the "Sitemap" with no names?

Thanks and regards

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Those are the correct lines to remove from the page type, if you have caching turned on you will need to clear the cache before you will see the changes on the front end.
macca448 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the fast reply but I think you have miss understood my question.

We are still getting page name and breadcrumb in the header of the
hutman pages. It's no good leaving the page standard properties name and
blank as we then get a bunch of pages in the sitemap with no names and
no way of knowing which is which to alias to other nodes if required??

On the "news page" we don't want any header content (we use a banner on
every page) and on the "news item page" I don't want the the page name
but the breadcrumb is OK.

On other page templates to achieve this I removed a line that looks like
this to get what I want

<?php $this->inc('elements/pagemeta.php'); ?>

and to add breadcrumb if needed I add the " <div id="breadcrumbs">" block .

I apologize for my lack of understanding as I'm still a novice,
especially with PHP and can't see how to make these changes to get what
we want so it matches our site page themes??



On 26/08/2016 00:50, concrete5 Community wrote:
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
The lines that you removed from the Page Type should take care of this. Could you provide a link to a page where you are seeing this so I can get a better understanding of the problem?
macca448 replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a news item

and this is the news root which is also showing standard page meta and I
can't see why??

I should point out that another plug-in supplier told me that our theme
may be the cause of issues I had with his plug-in??



On 26/08/2016 08:07, concrete5 Community wrote:
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Check the view.php in your theme for that include line, that's what wrappers package page types
macca448 replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! thank you so much. Works a treat now!!

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