Iframe issue

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I have two two pages using iframes on my site, one for a blog,one for a photo gallery, Originally the blog was accessed via drop down menu and I wanted it to have it's own menu, so I moved it, it then started to open in a new window. After several attempts I got it to work again by moving the page back under the previous one so it's again a sub-menu. However, now my photo gallery, originally accessed via a main menu now it opens in a new window and I cannot get it back, can I only use pages with iframes as sub-pages?
Site ishttp://www.edgeworthstown.net

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you please post a link to the page with the iframe so that I can actually have a look at the problem myself?

Did you mean you have two sites (two different domains?) or two pages on one domain? This iframe block won't work if you have two different domains!
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
Website ishttp://www.edgeworthstown.net

I am not using separate domains - these are programs provided by the hosting service that install into a folder in the root of the site and are linked to by a URL in the case of the gallery it washttp://edgeworthstown.net/photos/... and for the blog itshttp://edgeworthstown.net/blog/... The problem is you won't see the issue now as they work fine as a sub-page of another page. If I visited the page from the dashboard they displayed perfectly but go to the homepage then back to the page they popped up full page, with only the back key taking me back to the site.
If you want I can move the page back under the home page

Direct links to the pages arehttp://edgeworthstown.net/media/photos/... andhttp://edgeworthstown.net/contact/blog/...

Also, don't know if this is related but - I had the photos page under the home page and added the blog page under it the link to the blog page did not work, clearing caches etc. was no help
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Please at least create a sub page where I can see the problem, I can't help you with so little information. Thanks
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
I have added a page to the site called photos test can be accessed from this URLhttp://edgeworthstown.net/photostest/...

Unfortunately it works just fine.However I moved the blog page back under the home page and if you go to www,edgeworthstown.net and then click on the blog menu it opens up fullpage.

I don't know what else to tell you, there are no error messages or any indication that anything is wrong.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
did you try without the facebook like redirect?
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure what that is. I am at work now if you tell me what i am looking
for i will try removing it.
On 21 May 2015 06:18, "concrete5 Community" <discussions@concretecms.com>

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