Error: Call to undefined function A3020\ImageOptimizer\mime_content_type()

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Previously the plugin has been working fine. I moved my site to a new VPS server and have set it up, but am getting the error: Call to undefined function A3020\ImageOptimizer\mime_content_type()

In this version I wanted to use the TinyPNG tool so I've set the API up and have all 3 items from the "general" area checked.

When I run it from the automated jobs area, I get the reported error.


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Status: Archived
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A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll take a look.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
I've pushed version 3.2.11 which adds a fallback if that function is not available. Would you mind upgrading and testing it? Thank you!
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Well that bypassed that - but now I get
Call to undefined function A3020\ImageOptimizer\finfo_open()

are either of these functions I can turn on through PHP ini or something else?
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm surprised... this extension is default as of PHP 5.3.0 ( Or are you running on a Windows box?

In any case, it should be enabled on a server level.
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks - sorry I'm not getting notices and didn't see this. It is a linux box. Hwoever it is a new VPS server, it might be missing something.

I'll check and see for the file-open extension(I'm using 5.6 at the moment - trying to get a few things like this sorted out so I can upgrade to 7.2/7.3)
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
That was it - for some reason that wasn't installed. Got it installed and working great.

re: Mime_content_type - is that something that maybe I should be looking into getting installed too? Seems to be working with the change you made though (and the aforementioned install)
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the feedback and good to hear it now works. From what I'm reading Finfo is supposed to replace the mime_content_type, so I guess you're good.
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent - thanks for confirming!
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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