Removed Image Optimizer job from Automated Jobs... how to add back?

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The Image Optimizer in Optimization >> Automated Jobs was spinning endlessly, so I deleted it. Now I'm not sure how to add it back? Re-install the plugin?

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Status: Archived
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A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Paul, there's a button to "Reset all Jobs", if you press it, it'll reset the "RUNNING" state.

PS. I'd recommend executing the optimizer via CLI (see FAQ pages), as it'd give you more insight and is generally a better way to run these kind of jobs.
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi A3020,
Thanks for your reply. When I click to reset jobs, Image Optimization is still not appearing in the list.
When I check the "Add Functionality" area, I can see that Image Optimizer v.3.2.9 is installed, so I'm not sure.
I'll check out the CLI instead, like you suggested.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, I now see you actually deleted the job. In that case you need to uninstall de add-on, and then install it again.
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply
Exactly, I did just figure that out... it's working fine through providing a TinyPNG API Key. Although, I'm not sure it is working fine, really... for a moment it gave the dialog "Internal Server Error", and running the plugin via the Automated Jobs page, it's currently stuck on "Image 1 of 58."
I'm not sure whether this is a problem with the Image Optimizer plugin for me, or maybe it's more like what you said, I should do this through the CLI. I'm really going to try that, now that I'm seeing how difficult it is through the Automated Jobs interface.
Thanks again!
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
OK. Let me know how it goes via CLI. If you get an error, I'll definitely look into it.
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply
I couldn't get cPanel >> Terminal working, so I used SSH / PuTTY. I was able to launch the job, and it began working, but finished with some errors (apologies, the putty.log file has extra escape characters in it): (The first error is "An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE Jobs SET jStatus=?, jLastStat")

#=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2020.02.06 02:11:01 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
login as:<<snipped>>
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Interesting! So it has to do with MySQL closing the connection before the CLI command can mark the job as finished. Maybe the connection was 'idle' for too long. Not sure how to fix that to be honest.

I expect you don't get this error if you re-run the CLI command?
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply
HOWEVER, the good news is: when I look at Files >> Image Optimizer >> Optimized Images, they're all optimized properly. :-)
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Grr, but now after running it from the CLI, it's flashing in the Automated Jobs page and still "running." (See attached screenshot.)
I don't want it churning away in the background. Maybe I should delete the job, but that removes the plugin. :-(
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
It's because MySQL closes the connection, and can't mark the job as 'finished'. So it keeps spinning (thinking it's still running). You'd hit the "Reset all jobs" button on the Automated Jobs page.
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks :)
facechomp replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I clicked "Reset All Jobs," and that stopped it. A bit of a fuss, this job.
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