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Issuu Reader

Issuu is the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers.

Using this add-on you can easily place your publication from Issuu.


Implemented fields:

DocumentID: extract from embed code, look to screenshots.

Background Type: if you select color then you can define it in below field.

Background Color: if filled, custom background color will show.
Here we enter RRGGBB hex value w/o hash (CSS like).

Width: if empty then default value is 550 px.

Height: if empty then default value is 416 px.

Autoflip the pages: if yes, flip page after short period (works only in book view).

Title and author: if yes, information shows over image on transparent background.

Social options menu: when your readers are finished reading, they are shown social features like Facebook, Twitter, email share, embed, and a link to the publication.


Not implemented fields:

Start on page: choice of which page begins to show publication.

Layout: choice between single page and book view.
You can still switch it in expanded mode.



You can view live options of embed code in example
just expand "Show embed options"

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