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Items Calendar

New! Self resetting demo: click here first  then click here

When you visit the site, go to the dashboard to view the user interface then go back to the "demo" area to start adding your calendars.

Items calendar is the easiest way manage calendars on your concrete5 website.

Items calendar was designed to help people share timely data on a calendar as quickly as possible, and was designed for the following use cases in mind:

- Press releases (put all press releases on a calendar using a page-type filter)
- Blog Posts(put all blog posts on a calendar using a page-type filter, if you use multiple add-ons for this, simply add an additional page-type rule),
-  New Products (page-type filter)
-  Events (created or page-type based)
-  News (created or page-type based, or pages under another page)
-  Meetings(created item) -  Multiple Day items/events (created item)
-  Recurring Multiple Day items/events (created item)
-  Sports Scores/Practice Schedules (created item optionally linked to page)
-  Hair Salon Availability (created item)
-  Vacation Rental availability Calendar(created item)
-  Project Management schedules(created item linked to page) etc etc etc

In addition to all the page-based features you are used to in Concrete5, items calendar introduces the concept of calendar items. 

In items calendar, you can create an item to display on the calendar, optionally pairing it with a page on the site or a link to an external page.  You can set recurring day intervals, the amount of times to additionally show the item, and if you have an external link or a page associated, it will link to either one directly from the calendar.  

Calendar Items also have something called Internal notes, which are useful for pairing a certain item with any bit of data that is only available in the dashboard. Calendar items can also be selected to display on any calendar that exists with a checkbox.  All calendars can optionally show event details in a lightbox, or directly link to the page. All Calendars also have the ability to provide rss feeds for all items on the calendar, and provide a daily, weekly or monthly view. Calendars also provide iCal feeds.

For situations where the recurring amounts don’t pair exactly (every 3rd  Tuesday of the Month, the 2nd Monday of every quarter) or the first day of every month, item calendar has the ability for you to “copy” items which allows you to simply copy an item and change the start and end date to match.

Calendar items is dashboard driven, so all your dashboard permissions mesh seamlessly with the calendar, and since it is in the dashboard it makes a great value add for those creating sites for clients.  Since calendar items is javascript based, visitors don’t have to wait for page refreshes to view the next month’s data.

Calendar items also provides several collection attributes which are used for pages that you assign as a filter for any or all items calendar: Start/End, exclude from Item Calendar, All Day item, recurring count, and recurring day interval (multiple allowed).

Calendars can have colors schemes set on a block level, a dashboard setting color level, or you can give each event its own color and text color.   5 color templates are provided.

You can easily create calendar themes using jQuery themeroller, a tutorial will be posted soon outlining the details.

Its creator, ScottC has been working with concrete5 since pretty much the beginning and is a full-time freelancer, so you are guaranteed great support!, though you probably won't need it.


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