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Hi there,

Trying to find a calendar that would support a website displaying tours and their availability. I need this calendar to allow people arriving at the site to pick a tour, date and time and see that it is available. They have a certain amount of electric bikes that are used per tour. Let's say 10. So as people check, book and pay for the tour(s) that availability is deterimned and could be sold out.

I have found most of the calendars are more for displaying events rather than being written for what we need for their site.

Will this calendar meet some of those requirements? If so, we want to use it on three sites. We may need some custom revisions also. Please let me know what you think about the addon and the customization should we need it.

BIG thx

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Scott,

Went ahead and purchased one but I am somewhat baffled. I am either thick or just not getting how to allow perspective customers to choose an available date.

I will keep working it and see if I can't make it work for us.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Scott,

Went ahead and purchased one but I am somewhat baffled. I am either thick or just not getting how to allow perspective customers to choose an available date.

I will keep working it and see if I can't make it work for us.


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