Linking to pages, showing a title and description

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This plugin looks good, nice work. I need to know whether it's possible to add a title, description and make a link to a page *for each image* with this plugin please?

Many thanks,


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Status: New
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creativesolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Just wondering the same thing!
osu replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess that's a no! And because you have to use a fileset, I'm assuming that you can't order your images either??
mikefatty replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah i also need to sort the pictures, is there no admin/creator in here?
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
order it in the fileset.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

You can add title/description on each media from her title/description attribute.
When you click on a Thumbnail a lightbox appear and you see the media in full size. So here no need to add a link to the media. If yes let me know and i will think about a solution.

You can order each media with a easy drag and drop and order fileset from dashboard.

Let me know,


PS: Thanks Jack

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