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Can anyone confirm if this is working properly on or

I can install the package and see it's installed in the dashboard. I successfully get the page attribute and everything else, except two things:

1. When I go to add the block it's not in the list
2. I've noticed that on install the btLikesThis table is not created

I dont see anything wrong in the controller or db.xml. Manually creating the table does not make the package work properly, neither previous to or after install, although, when I uninstall, I lose the btLikesThis table but the btLikesThisUserPages table remains.

I'm at a loss here. I have had other users tell me the block works fine over and over again, but I've honestly NEVER gotten it to install correctly. Hopefully someone has some insight on this!!

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MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
This is definitely an older block, so it's possible that something changed in the core since 2010 that affects how this was written.

I can confirm what you're seeing-- the second table, btLikesThisUserPages, seems to install but the block's first / primary table does not. Pretty weird. I glanced through the package controller, block controller and db.xml and didn't see anything obviously out of order.

We'll take a closer looks at this and see what we can find.
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
If you add another field to the block's db table, the block will install.
<field name="ffff" type="I">

I am not entirely sure what version of concrete5 this happened in but blocks need to have at least two fields.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Attached, find modified files which make this add-on compatible!!

Thanks for sending me in the right direction Greg!!

In db.xml I added a field, DummyField, type T DEFTIMESTAMP in order to avoid not null errors on the integer type.

In the block controller I've removed all the addtoheader jquery stuff, which was conflicting with the toolbar etc...

In the block view.php file I removed the "# people like this" link(only the link) that was leading to a blank page with a user list and included a line break between "# user likes" & "i like too" areas.

In view.css the white border and padding have been removed...

It installs clean with all db tables dropped and can successfully uninstall and re-install, still retaining databased user likes if the table has not been removed!!

Much fun, learned a handfull of things along the way. Hopefully you guys would like to get it updated in the marketplace, and I'd want to get the message to jshannon as well so he could get his "lerteco wall" version of likes this working again as well!!
enlil replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Out of boredom, I've gone ahead and also modified the block controller to post to concrete wall. I'm thinking that maybe this would all be better suited to a completely new package, so as to not mess with any already in use ?! I'd be happy to throw this at PRB as a free block if no one has any issues with me doing so!

EDIT: Upon reading the License, that is exactly what I am going to do!!
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
Cool thanks for doing that. We'll check out your rewrite.

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