Add File ID to the List

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I'd like the list to display the file ID. How would I do that?

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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
This should be pretty easy to achieve by creating a custom block template and using in the main loop:

$fileID = $f->getFileID( );

Then just outputting where you need it:
<?php echo $fileID; ?>

I am curious as to why you would want to do this though, as the file ID is very much just for internal linking purposes and doesn't have much value for someone to actually read on screen.
kreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the speedy reply. I did what you recommended and it worked great.

The reason I am doing this is because we use a form to allow users to upload application files. Our Admissions office is notified whenever a form is submitted and in that email, they'll see something like:

Upload your Form

The actual attachment isn't included in the email

I used your add-on to give them a web page they can go to to actually download the attachment. By adding the ID to the list, it allows them to more easily match the email with the file they need to download. So, on the web page they'll see.

LOI.docx - 9/8/2015 - 3284
resume.sci.doc - 9/8/2015 - 3283
Resume.docx - 9/8/2015 - 3276
FNP resume 2015.docx - 9/8/2015 - 3275
USJ Essay -In Five Years.docx - 9/8/2015 - 3274

Without the ID, and with numerous files coming in, it made finding the correct file a little cumbersome.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahh right, that makes a lot of sense!

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity!

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