Version 8 Compatible

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Does this package work with version 8 please?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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guyasyou replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, it works
gordonc200 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I have an install issue (it won't install) and wanted to eliminate it being a package issue. I've seen the same issue with other packages.
guyasyou replied on at Permalink Reply
Error text?
gordonc200 replied on at Permalink Reply
It's the same error I've had a few times when trying to install packages.

Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ForeignKeyConstraintViolationException thrown with message "An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE AttributeTypeCategories ADD CONSTRAINT FK_49A9CABEA12CFE33 FOREIGN KEY (atID) REFERENCES AttributeTypes (atID)':

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`databasename`.`#sql-54c_14668`, CONSTRAINT `FK_49A9CABEA12CFE33` FOREIGN KEY (`atID`) REFERENCES `AttributeTypes` (`atID`))"
guyasyou replied on at Permalink Reply
The problem is not in the package. It does not make any changes to the attributes.
You have a problem with the database. I can't tell you what's not working, I'm sorry.
gordonc200 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I didn't think it was a package issue.

Thanks anyway.

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