WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

All our addons are now available for free, but as a result, we do not support them anymore.

Commercial support is still available on demand, please contact me directly if needed.

Load MathJax

Display Pretty Mathematics onto your site!
  • »Display complex mathematics using MathJax
  • »Manage Easily display templates


MathJax is a javascript package allowing the user to render complex mathematics formula within a webpage.
This addon allows you to load MathJax, and then to add maths in any block of your website. Just add your LaTeX code or any MathJax compatible input anywhere in the page, and the Javascript will catch it at page loading.

How does it work?!

This addon requires you to know TeX or AsciiMath, or mathml. Please check the MathJax page for more informations about MathJax

To start MathJax on a page, you can add the "Load MathJax"  page attribute, or add the MathJax block

A configuration page lets you change MathJax configuration (Dashboard->System Settings->Environment->MathJax).

The default configuration uses MathJax CDN, and should work for most of us, but you can still tweak  the configuration if you want/need.

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Sales have ended due to EOL

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