compatibility to c5 themes

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Hi, I have a pre-sale questionregarding: Location Map and to Snipcart commerce addon: are they easily integrateable and compatible with professional themes like Modena, Pixel 2 or Bitter theme? Thank you, Alex

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alex,

you should find that both add-ons neatly integrate such themes.

For Location Map, the map itself is largely unaffected by the theme, but it may adopt some of the font styling for its popup bubbles. The list of locations that can be displayed underneath the map is output as a simple unordered list of links.

For Snipcart, the output is also quite simple, in that it outputs the product image and the button within paragraph tags and the name within an H2 tag. The add-to-cart button itself is set by default to use Bootstrap based classes, so in any Bootstrap based theme they'll look like a standard button. But you can also change the button class used, and add further classes through the dashboard.

Ultimately you can override quite easily the block templates for both add-ons, if you are using a theme that has custom classes you'd like to apply, or if you'd like to change the output HTML. The blocks also output quite a number of custom classes (like 'snipcart-product-name'), so you'd have further styling control - either through custom templates or other CSS overrides you'd put in your site.

Personally I'm not a fan of add-ons that include their own look-and-feel, and I've taken the same approach with these add-ons in that their output is as vanilla as possible.

alex5b replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the prompt and thorough reply, Ryan. Much appreciated. It helped with the decision to go ahead with the Modena theme and with the Snipcart and Location Map add-ons.

Kind regards


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