Responsive image support in Extended Details

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Hi! In 'Extended Details' it's possible to load images into Redactor. However, these images are not using concrete5's responsive image feature (i.e. <picture> tags with source sets), even though our site is set up to use it. When an image is loaded into "Extended Details", it outputs only an <img> tag:

<img id="image-marker" src="http://localhost/c5site/index.php/download_file/view_inline/36">

This leads to huge images being loaded where they are not really needed. Is there a way to enable responsive images or some way to get the small thumbnail for inserted images directly?

Otherwise, the Add-On is really great and exactly what our customer wanted for this project. Cheers :)

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -

# concrete5 Packages
Location Map (1.0.3)

Browser User-Agent String

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36

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