
Getting Started

In the edit dialog the only required field is the tab heading. You can safely ignore the rest of the edit dialog until you need to do more advanced stuff. Place one Magic Tabs block where you want a set of tabs to start, then further Magic Tabs blocks for each tab. You can place any block or stack between Magic Tabs blocks to provide the content of each tab. A set of tabs needs at least two Magic Tabs blocks.

Here is a simple example of sequence of blocks within an area. You can have other blocks before and after, but this sequence of wrapping what you want within each tab with Magic Tabs blocks is the essential part:

  1. Magic Tabs Block 'Tab A'
  2. One or more blocks in tab A
  3. Magic Tabs Block 'Tab B'
  4. One or more blocks in tab B
  5. Magic Tabs Block 'Tab C'
  6. One or more blocks in tab C
  7. Magic Tabs End

The above will then show as a Tabs A, B and C. Clicking each will show the associated tab content.

The 'Magic Tabs End' block is optional, if you leave it out, the tab set will run on to the end of the area.

Some important points to bear in mind:

  1. Tab sets cannot go across the boundaries to an area.
  2. There must be at least 2 tabs in a set.
  3. Each tab needs to contain one or more blocks.
  4. Each part of a layout is effectively a separate concrete5 area, so you can have tabs within cells of a layout, but not layouts within a tab. See Tabs and Layouts.

If you add a Magic Tabs block and save the page in a state that does not comply with these points, you may get unexpected results.

More Detailed Documentation

The following documentation pages provide much more information about what you can do with magic tabs and, to help provide some ideas, provide working examples.