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I use the magic tabs to arrange my pictures into different categories.
This on one page.
For showing the pictures I use the whale grid gallery addon.
IT should be no problem to employ more Than one gallery at the same time.
There is a problem however.
When I change from one tab to another, the content is not displayed.
I have to refresh the page to see the content contained in the concerned tab.

Can you help me out of this?
For more info see the page with the name “galerij” on

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Stefaan De Reu

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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stedereu replied on at Permalink Reply
I did forget to set the priority to high
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
What is happening is an instance of the same problem as described in

You can demonstrate this adding the gallery block to a page by itself (no MT on the page) and using block design to add display:none or (depending on your theme) add the class .hidden.

Then, once the page is published, use the browser dev console to remove the display:none or .hidden class.

You will see exactly the same symptoms.

This isn't just an MT problem, but a generic issue for scripts that depend on having a size before they can successfully render, so also affects, for example,the same blocks when added to some parallax and area tabbing themes.

The solution is similar to that in the linked page (and implemented on the core maps block)
stedereu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey johnthefish,

Who do I have to ask for resolving this problem.

Changing code is not for me.
IT seems to be complex.

Best regards,

Stefaan De Reu
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
This is actually a problem with the gallery block, so you should raise a support request with @sharoq.

You can use the demonstration I suggested above to prove the point.

If you send me a copy of the gallery package (email a zip to, I will have a look and see if I can fix it quickly for you. However, any fix I make will be overwritten next time @sharoq updates the block if he has not fixed the problem.

You will need to get it to me fast because I am preparing to be away from my dev system for the rest of the month.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
When contacting @sharoq, the phrase to use would be something like 'Gallery does not render if div is initially hidden and made visible later'.
stedereu replied on at Permalink Reply

ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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