Updated and crashed

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Hello there.
Have loved this add-on however when I ran the latest update it no longer will render tabs. I tried every combination of global settings I could see and deleted other blocks from my page also to check for interference. I am using the fundamental theme. Is there a fix or do I need to find a new solution. Old version worked great, no conflicts, so not sure why the new one would suddenly have issues. Thanks in advanced.

Type: Discussion
Status: Archived
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JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andrew

Thank you for being a dedicated user of Magic Tabs.

When this sort of thing happens it is usually something fairly simple, such as a JavaScript change in MT that has not yet worked its way through a proxy cache or browser cache.

The latest MT is v7.2.8. From your environment info I am not clear whether you are currently on MT v7.2.0 and upgrading to MT v7.2.8, or on an earlier version and updating to MT v7.2.0. Can you clarify please?

What template are you using?

If you are able to provide a URL to a page you have exhibiting the problem, I can then trace through that page and see what is happening.

In the mean time, please have a read of
https://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/magic-tabs1/changelog/... and https://c5magic.co.uk/addons/magic-tabs/problem-solving/... In particular, the section on "problems immediately after upgrading".

Some specific upgrades to look out for.
v7.1.0 Change to the way global settings are implemented.
v7.2.0 Support for jQuery/ui based tab designs deprecated. Major JavaScript changes that could get stuck in a cache.
v7.2.6 Changes to MT JavaScript that will require cache & proxy flushing

Please let me know if any of the above helps and if you have managed to resolve the problem. If not, if you can provide answers to my questions I can have a look in more detail.

The examples on my support site are running on the latest c5 core and latest MT, so I am confident we can get this sorted out between us.


10317976 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi John,

Thanks so much for the fast reply. It looks like it only upgraded me to 7.2.0 and is not showing 7.2.8 available as of yet. Perhaps that is the problem is it did not upgrade me to the latest version. Is there a way to force it to find the latest version?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
In that case we have 2 issues to resolve.

1. Why you didn't see the latest update 7.2.8.

This is most likely a marketplace integration issue in your core or at concrete5.org. Its a been a bit buggy for a while, so the easiest way to get 7.2.8 is to do a manual install, but that won't resolve the problem for future updates.

2. mt v7.2.0 is a perfectly workable version, so we need to know why it is having issues on your site.

With that in mind, its worth going through the points I raised above, because if you are having issues with mt v7.2.0, you will likely have similar with mt v7.2.8.

What MT version are you coming from?

I am going to be away from my desk for a couple of hours. Will check back on my return and hopefully you will have some more data for me.
10317976 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi John,

I am coming from V 7.1.6.
Here is a page I reinstalled MT and re inserted the tab blocks
10317976 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi John,

I'm feeling a bit sheepish right now. I guess I should stop working at the end of a tiring day before trying to trouble shoot. It was a cache issue and now that I cleared out all the caches it seems to be working fine again. I think it had the cache from the old version still in there so the new version wouldn't push.
Thank you for being so willing to jump in and help. I've seen you do this over and over for people. You are definitely one of the good ones!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
A nice looking site and a good use of MT autoplay. Its so subtle that I had to look twice before I realised it was MT and not a slider.

I am guessing that is MT 7.2.0, so you still have the marketplace connection/update to sort out. Though having said that, I don't think there is anything you need in the MT 7.2.8 update, so no rush.

When you have the time, a review is always welcome.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.4.3
Version Installed - 8.4.3
Database Version - 20180716000000

# concrete5 Packages
ExchangeCore reCAPTCHA (1.1.1), Fundamental (4.0.7), HonestWebsites Simple testimonials (1.1.2), Magic Tabs (7.2.0), Spacer (0.9.4)

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max_execution_time - 30
log_errors_max_len - 1024
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max_input_time - 60
max_input_vars - 6200
memory_limit - 128M
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ic24.api.max_timeout - 7
ldap.max_links - Unlimited
mysqli.max_links - Unlimited
mysqli.max_persistent - Unlimited
pcre.backtrack_limit - 1000000
pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
pgsql.max_links - Unlimited
pgsql.max_persistent - Unlimited
session.cache_limiter - <i>no value</i>
session.gc_maxlifetime - 7200
soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5
opcache.max_accelerated_files - 16536
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opcache.max_wasted_percentage - 5

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