
This package ships with the following mail services:

In order to use one of these services you will need to configure it first. This package creates dashboard pages which are located under Mail Service in your dashboard. Just click on the name of the mail service you want to configure and enter your credentials. These are 3rd party services, so you will need to have an account for each of the 3rd party libraries you wish to use and create an api key under those accounts.

Once you configured a mail service, you will be able to send a test mail trough the Mail Service page. If the service is properly configured, you will see a Send Test Mail button and a Enable button behind the name of the service on the mailservices overview page. The test button will use the service to send a test email to your email account (using the email address of your website's account you are logged in with). By enabling the service, Concrete will use this service instead of the default service for all it's emails. If this fails, it will automatically resort to the default mailer normally used by Concrete.

If you do some of the coding yourself you will also automatically be using the enabled mail service each time you require the mail service, such as with Loader::helper('mail') or with Core::make('helper/mail').

It is important to provide email-addresses with the same domain (tld) configured in your mail service account. For example : if you set up an account with Mailgun and configure an api-key, wou will also have to provide a domain owned by you (example: ''). If this domain does not match the domain in the email address used in Concrete, other mail services that receive your emails will probably send your email straight to the spam folder. By default, Concrete uses the email address set in the configuration file of your website als sender-address. You can override this in your application's configuration file. Because of the concerns just illustrated, this package will automatically rewrite the domain of the sender address if it doesn't match the domain of your mail service account to ensure proper delivery.