Subscribers not added to MailChimp list

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Hi Rich,

We have added your add-on to our clients website and have spent a few hours trying to get it to work correctly.

When we try and add a new subscriber through the add-on it does not appear in the MailChimp list. There is no error reported on the website side as it comes up with Thank you for subscribing, please find screenshot attached.

We have had a look at the server logs to look at the POST request and pasted this into a web browser. Please find attached screenshot which seems to report that no lists have been selected.

We have also had a look at the installation instructions where it is advised that a group needs creating within MailChimp. Could you explain why we need to create a group, is a list not sufficient?

We did try to create a group however when we loaded the add-on into a fresh installation of Concrete using the Greek Yoghurt theme and added the MailChimp block to the side bar this breaks the web page. This also happens if we add the block to the main area. There is also a problem with not being able to select the list. Please find screenshots attached.

I hope this makes sense and do let me know if you need any further information.


4 Attachments

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
cytringan replied on at Permalink Reply 4 Attachments

Please find attachments again as they are not displaying in original post.

richinnz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Paul

I'm sorry you are having these issues - it should be a drop in and go
plugin, not one that takes hours to get going..

Thanks for the screen shots and notes too.

I am not really sure what the issue is here to be honest.

I have a List (I have added groups and sub groups to it too)

I have edited my plugin to use the top level list, and also tried using
two of the lower level sub groups. Each time the relevant lists appear
on the screen with a checkbox to the left of it - which doesnt seem to
be on your screen shots.

In each case I can then subscribe - which sends me an email from
mailchimp to ask for confirmation.

Likewise using your setup the screen seems in tact.

So I'm confused - primarily why you are not seeing the tickbox - that
seems a likely cause.

I'm happy to dive into your site if that would help. Or perhaps send the
HTML of the generated page - that may give a clue?


On 20/05/2015 3:42 a.m., concrete5 Community wrote:
cytringan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Richard,

Thanks for your swift reply.

We missed the step of checking for a confirmation email to subscribe to mailchimp. A simple solution that did not occur to us. Would it be possible to put this in the documentation for people like ourselves in the future?

We are going to retest the issue of the webpage breaking and will let you know if it is still a problem. We may be able to give you access to our server.

Thanks again for your help.


concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Country State Manager (1.0.1), eCommerce (2.8.11), Facebook Like Button (1.1), Formidable (2.0.4), Mailchimp (1.3.4), Mailing List (2.54), Zone Based Shipping (

# concrete5 Overrides
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