Invalid HTML?

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Hi, I just ran the W3C validator on a XHTML 1.0 Transitional Concrete5 install, and found it failed because of the use of the class element on H3 tags generated by this plugin. Any ideas on how to fix this? Perhaps use a different doctype?


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Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
what? that can't be right. there's no reason you can't put a class element on header tags. validators do complain sometimes when you have and empty class tag with no value. is that what was happening? the transitional is probably the best doc type for you to use. maybe can you attach a zipped version of the validation report? also, was this happening with the mailing list subscription block, on the front-end of your site?
townend replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply Tony. This forum's is badly designed because I can't see your post now I've clicked reply.
However, the site in question is The H3 tag the validator doesn't like is
<h3 class="mailing-list-signup-title">Join Mailing List</h3>
on line 93 and the error messages 'there is no attribute "class"' and 'element "H3" undefined'.

The markup seems okay to me, no doubt I'm overlooking something obvious because I've been staring at it for too long!

Thanks again
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
that's crazy that it's even telling you that the H3 tag is undefined. perhaps it's case sensitive, and is expected a lower case h3 instead. Try using this doc type and see what happens:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

(no space before transitional.dtd)
townend replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tony, was already using the XHTML 1.0 doctype, but I tried yours anyway to no effect. If you check the source the H3 tag is in lowercase, just the validator capitalises it to show where the problem is. Oh well, so long as I know it's okay I'll just have to ignore it. Thanks for the help :)
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
you had the same doc type, but the doc type definition appeared to be different. still scratching my head on this one...
townend replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I noticed the definition was different but it still caused the same result. I've never had any problems with the validator before, will let you know if I find a resolution. Thanks again for your help.

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