Friendlier error message

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Instead of a message like "Invalid Email Address: " and nothing else, I'd like to give the user a prompt to use the back button on their browser. I expected to see the error warning language in the view.php file for monkey-block, but did not. Can you tell me where that lives so I can edit it?

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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JoeHiveCreative replied on at Permalink Reply
The error message is actually generated by the MailChimp API call ...

The block controller loads the MCAPI model (models/monkeysee.php) and then calls listSubscribe() with the values that the user has input ... if the errorCode is non-zero after that call then it grabs errorMessage from the MCAPI object and sends that back ...

The only hardcoded error messages that could be changed locally are contained in callServer() at the end of the model file ...

The easiest way to do what you are asking would be to add the following code to blocks/monkey_block/controller.php:54
if ($api->errorCode){
    $error= $api->errorMessage;
    if (strpos($error,'Invalid Email Address') !== false) {
        // manipulate the error string here

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# concrete5 Overrides
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# PHP Settings
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