WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

I am an active community member and passionate concrete5 developer. My goal is to make useful, high quality add-ons to make your business more succesful and to grow concrete5. In case you are looking for a developer, I am available for work!

Maintenance Advanced

Especially useful if you are developing a website and you don't want to mess with htaccess, passwords, index.htm or robots.txt to prevent certain people of viewing your website.

This add-on hooks into an event that runs before page rendering and can redirect visitors to a selected 'maintenance' or 'under construction' page. 

The add-on has a possibiliy to add IP addresses to prevent redirection for certain networks.


A visitor will not be redirected if:

- logged in
- in the admin area (or trying to get in)
- maintenance status is set to 'Disabled'
- no redirect page has been selected
- the IP address is in the field for allowed IP's
- one is already on the redirected page
- the redirected page doesn't exist anymore 


2014/02/27: 1.1. Updated icon.
2013/05/30: 1.0. Updated files to support C562.

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