releasing a 5.7 version?

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Hi mkly,

Is this add-on going to get a release for 5.7?
Would be very nice, i use this one for all my sites!


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi @buurvrouw,
Good news! I just created something which I'm calling this time around "Under Construction". Partly because I wanted to prevent any confusion between it and the internal Maintenance Mode. It is in the PRB right now and will probably be available in a couple days.

Also, this one is a little stripped down compared to the other one, basically because I just took a couple minutes to just get a basic MVP going. The new one leverages concrete5 permissions to make the who experience a bit more native. I you end up using it, let me know what other features you might like me to prioritize. And feel free to message me with a site you have it in action with. It's fun to see it in use out in the wild.

Also, sorry for the late reply, but I do not seem to get messages when people post to this forum for whatever reason.

Best Regards,
stuntman replied on at Permalink Reply

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