Install different from demo video

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My install looks different for the demo video. I have less options and I'm not sure why.

I have included some screen shots to show the difference.

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

The one you currently have is the latest version of our Add-on. The one on the demo video is still a few versions older. Your version has more bells and whistles (minor ones) but the demo video talks about the important stuffs so it is still applicable in our latest versions. Does that make sense? Which options are you having trouble with?

Meje replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure does, thanks for the reply!

Im having trouble with rounded corners. Im using a custom skin - I only made a few edits to the css supplied. Im assuming its a css theme conflict?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem we are usually off on weekends which is why we weren't able to respond as quickly. Yes sounds like it. Have you tried using a default theme and see if the conflict exists? If not then most likely it's the current theme you are using that is causing the problem.

Meje replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I have tried it on a default theme, and its buggy - Only rounding one of the dropdowns.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you send me a link where you installed this add-on with the default theme? So I can take a closer look.

ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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