Right alignment of top level menu items

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I see you answered this for someone else, but since it's archived, I can't view it. I created a custom color css, and have looked at floating the items right, but then it reverses the order of the items! Is there a way just to move all the items right and maintain their site order?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure, all you need to do is take away the width (100%) of the Unordered List (UL). Then float:right the entire UL (not the individual LI beneath it). Here's a screenshot of the changes you can make:
If you want to maintain the dark background all the way across, I suggest applying that to the wrapping DIV tag (CSS class: .jbmm.custom).

Hope this helps.

TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent, that works great! The only question is for the last dropdown, it goes off the page. Is there any way to adjust for that?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Good point. There's 2 options:
1) use the full-width submenu option in the Mega Menu. The submenus will take up the entire width of the page; or
2) Add some CSS code. Unfortunately the DIV which wraps the submenus do not have a unique CSS class or ID to individually style them. So this could be done with a little JS code if you're familiar with that. Or tweak the view.php file in the Mega Menu to assign unique CSS classes to each submenu. Here's the 3 CSS definitions I changed on your site to get the effect you're after:

I do offer custom coding services at US$90/hr so if you need any further help with that just let me know.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I spoke too soon. I do have an idea!
Each top level menu item has a unique CSS class, so we can piggyback off that:

li.pl-9164 div.sub-container{ADD CSS CODE HERE}

This happens to be the CSS class for the last item on your particular menu.

Hope this helps.


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