Adding general image to main categories

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Hello ... wondering if an image can be added next to the links with the main categories. So, the main category title would have a background color, links below with the arrows, main image floating to the right of it. Possible?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Steve,
Yes you can use the "extended menu" feature to add an image either above, below, left or right any other elements within the submenu.
As for bullet style images that can be done with a little custom css if you're familiar with that.
Does this help?

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I'm describing in behalf of Steve here. I'm attaching an image to check with you, whether that can be done with megamenu or not? I know the "Extended Menu" option but it allows to add image for 1st child. Also I've tried a code:
$outputjs .= $controller->generateBlock('.pid-190', 'CAM Locks Menu Image', 'right');

But when I view source I saw this:
$(window).load(function() {
   $('').append('<img src=\"/application/files/4214/6365/9939/cam_locks_intro.jpg\" alt=\"cam_locks_intro.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"144\" class=\"ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-166\">');

this doesn't add the image to submenu. Can you help?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I see what you mean in the screenshot. The easiest way to achieve that effect is applying a background image to the UL - each one has a unique css class. Simply right align the background image with no repeat and a minimum height to match the image.

Does that make sense?


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