Trouble with editing in 8.1.0

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I´m trying to customize the menu to look like the existing menu, but when I do that it crashes and shows different alertboxes (see one of them attached), and also it´s not showing in edit mode like in your videos (see attached file).
Maybe I´m doing something wrong and I´m not sure what do put in the "Font Type Calibration" and "Font Family Calibration (attached file). The font used in the original site menu i Trebuchet MS but when typing that info in, it crashes again with another alertbox.
I´m using the Seren template and the latest Concrete version (8.1.0).

What can be the problem here?

3 Attachments

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your message.

I can only read English so I'm not sure what that first error message says. Can you please translate that for me? It could possibly be an error due to invalid data entry. If you can PM me your site's URL and login details I can take a look at all your options selected and try to replicate the issue on my end.

When you're using the Google Web Font option, just enter the name of the font you wish to use. You can find the full list of fonts here: eg. Open Sans

The newer versions of Concrete5 hide certain types of add-ons during edit mode if they've got a more complex structure. This is standard across all add-ons for C5. My videos were created in an earlier version of C5

Hope this helps.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JB.
Of course, swedish is not a "world language" so I translate it for you😀.
"An unexpected error occured" is the sentence.
I´m planning to use the css font Trebuchet in the theme, but when I write the name in, it crashes anyway, so I must do something wrong here.

What I want is to make the megamenu look like the default menu (more or less).
I will PM you an admin user so you can have a look.
Many thanks
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Peter, that makes more sense.

I've looked into the code and can see 1 line when a "CSS Font" option is chosen and the add-on is still trying to pull in a Google Font file. This throws a Javascript error which in turn prevents the menu from being shown. Here's a screenshot:

I've fixed this line and uploaded v1.6.1 to the C5 Marketplace so if you update the add-on, that should work better.

Let me know how that goes.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JB.
Now it´s working fine, the fix did the trick. So no more crashes.

Although I´m a little confused about where in the CSS code (custom advanced) I can change the menu to align center like the original menu. I put them in top of each other so it´s easier to compare.

And also a few other things about the submenu where it seems to be a max length for the first level. I removed the css uppercase code from the submenu to top level, but it´s still there in the sub fonts. How do I change the sub fonts to be lowercase? And I also want the hovering in the top level to be transparent, but I´m not sure where to change.
I just want it to look like the original. I´m close but not there yet.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Peter,
Here's a few CSS tips:

For submenu headers, if you set the font size to 11px in this class and apply center alignment, then the headers will fit:
.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh li .sub li.mega-hdr .mega-hdr-a
Here's a screenshot:

For 2nd level submenu alignment, add it here:
.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh .sub li.mega-hdr li a

The background colour of the top level menu is set:
.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh li .sub-container.non-mega li a:hover
(just search the CSS for the keyword "hover" and look for a grey color (in this case #ccc).

I recommend using Google Chrome's "inspector" tool to see what CSS is active and tweaking it on the fly. This makes the development process easier because you can see the changes live.

Hope this feedback helps.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks, I was able to fix a couple of things but...

When I try to change the"hover" bg color like you described it really not changes anything.
And the red color before that (#a32403) isn´t showing up anywhere either. (see image)
And now I´ve changed everything I can find to not being gray, just to see what´s happening, but.... nothing happens.
I´m a bit confused right now. I must be doing something wrong here.

Maybe I wasn´t clear but what I ment with center the menu was the whole menu, not the submenu. Is that possible.? I can see the center code i "general styles" but I dont´ really know what i does.

It feels like I can make visible changes on part of the css code, but not on all.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Peter,
Please be aware that the free support included with my add-ons and themes does not extend to free training on CSS/HTML/JS/PHP. These questions are of a more general CSS nature.

To point you in the right direction, the menu items are generated using unordered list items (UL, LI). LI elements according to HTML/CSS restrictions don't natively support centered alignment. The closest thing to achieve that is give the UL a fixed with and then use "margin: 0 auto" as a pseudo centering effect.

If you would like any further CSS training, I offer that at a rate of US$90/hr.

I hope this feedback helps.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
I totally understand. I managed to solve a few problem on my own. Now it´s almost done except the align center issue wich I didn´t solve. I feel I´ve tried everything but no success.
I´m of course willing to pay you to solve that last problem for me.
You still have the temporary login I gave you earlier.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Peter,
Ok, here's how to centre align the menu:

.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh{
margin:0 auto;

.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh > li{
(this will centre align only the first level of menu items - main navigation, not submenus)

You can add this code to your theme's CSS file or into the custom CSS field for the Mega Menu (editor interface - recommended method).

If the menu items wrap around to a 2nd line (depending on the browser window size), they stay "left" aligned unfortunately. So the best thing to do is adjust the font size for several "breaks" at different browser/device sizes (ie. responsive design). Alternatively, I recently released a new version of the Mega Menu which supports a "hamburger" so you can completely collapse the menu into a small icon at specific breaks.

Please let me know if that works for you. If so, I'd certainly appreciate a payment via Paypal (0.25hrs @ US$90/hr = US$22.50)

Much appreciated.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi JB.
I´ve added the code you gave me in the editor css (see att. image), but the menu didn´t center.
What can be the trouble?

It¨s OK with only 1st level centered.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Peter,
Ah, one other piece of CSS code I missed:

.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh{
float: none !important

That can be added/merged with the previous snippet of code and then you'll have the centering working fine.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again.
So strange, I pasted the code in, and still not centered. A bit confusing.
Any other suggestion?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Peter, the menu IS actually centred. Here's a screenshot:
As I mentioned earlier, if the menu items are too many and wrap over a 2nd line then each LI element (menu item) will float back to the left. But the whole menu is center aligned compared to the rest of the page.
For this reason I suggest tweaking the padding and font size at different browser size breaks (making it more "responsive") so it fits one 1 line at each of the major break sizes:

Hope this helps.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, my mistake. There is one more piece of CSS code you can remove to make the LI items not float to the left. Here's a screenshot:
If you remove that float, you'll have what you're after.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
YES!! That did it!
Thank you so much for helping.
I will do the payment today😀


Hi again.
I did the payment through your link (25 USD). It went to Smartcorp Limited so I hope my money came to the right place.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Brilliant, I recieved the payment. Thanks so much Peter.

And if you have 1 minute to leave a positive review on the C5 marketplace, I'd greatly appreciate that:

Have a fabulous weekend.


concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.1.0
Version Installed - 8.1.0
Database Version - 20170123000000

# concrete5 Packages
Breadcrumb Trail Page Links (1.1), Login/Logout Link (1.0), Login Page Background (0.9), Mega Menu (1.5.39), Seren (1.0.2)

# concrete5 Overrides
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Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

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# PHP Settings
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