Topic filter

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Can you instruct me on how to change the font size and style on the topic filter I have applied to the thumbnail grid? It's too small.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

if you click on the block and edit the Design, aren't you able to change the Text size and color? Then maybe the theme you are using has some specific styles defined for the block. Could you post a link to your website so I can have a look?

flcfargo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for answering so quickly. It doesnt seem to matter where I put it on the page I can not change the size. Here is the link.
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

if you go to the Theme Customizer, is there an option to change the font size of the breadcrumbs?

If you can't see that option, then you can try adding this custom CSS (also through the Theme Customizer):

.ccm-block-topic-list-flat-filter .breadcrumb {
  font-size: 14px;

(simply replace 14px with any size you want)
flcfargo replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect. Thanks

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