Version History

1.4.8 - Fixed a bug related to the page cache library override to fix full page caching issues.
1.4.7 - Another bugfix related to 1.4.5.
1.4.6 - Fixed problems with multi level sites caused by the latest update.
1.4.5 - Fixed related to the parent page path appearing multiple times in the full page path.
1.4.4 - Fixed sitemap moving pages bug related to the core changes in that tool request vol 2.
1.4.3 - Fixed the preview pane of the Multiple Domains Auto-Nav block.
1.4.2 - Fixed the "Breadcrumbs" template in the Multiple Domains Auto-Nav block.
1.4.1 - Upgrading the dynamic sitemap.xml job to have as much checks as the core job does, e.g. permission checks. Also added caching to the dynamic sitemap creation.
1.4 - Fixed the "use home page theme" setting when browsing from the main domain. Fixed the Multiple Domains Auto-Nav when browsing from the main domain. Added possibility to fix full page caching on mapped sites. Added new settings for redirection (301 or 302) and re-structured the settings view. Added dashboard icons for the Multiple Domains pages.
1.3.6 - Added possibility to exclude pages from the domain-level theme override.
1.3.5 - Fixed an issue with passing parameters on the redirects.
1.3.4 - Fixed sitemap moving pages bug related to the core changes in that tool request.
1.3.3 - Fixed redirecting to the correct page path in the additional domains. Previously they were always redirected to the main domain's root.
1.3.2 - Added more checks to make it harder for users to make conflicting mapping with the main domain.
1.3.1 - Fixed uninstallation situation where the overrides cache was not properly cleared.
1.3 - Request override logic has been re-written to support latest concrete5.
1.2.5 - Added content-type header in the sitemap creation, fixed few domain sitemap issues.
1.2.4 - Multiple Domains Auto-Nav re-writing to support navigation levels
1.2.3 - Another fix regarding to having port transparency
1.2.2 - Fixed the add-on in other ports than default HTTP(S) ports 80/443
1.2.1 - Bugfix release for 5.6
1.2 - Initial release for 5.6.
1.1 - Made it possible to print out domain-specific sitemap.xml, fixed URL strings bug in the multiple_domains_autonav block, made it configurable whether to redirect pages found from the site root to the main domain (e.g. /contact-us/ vs. mapped /domain-1/contact-us/)
1.0.4 - Added icons for mapped pages, added possibility to force mapped domain theme on its sub-pages.
1.0.3 - Fixed issue in Multiple Domains Auto-Nav block, changed domain tests to work behind NAT configuration
1.0.2 - Added more specific request path lookup and fixed redirection issue
1.0.1 - Fixed how the "allow from all domains" option works
1.0 - Initial version