Oembed not showing videos - solution

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For anyone else wondering
Spent way too long wondering why this wasn't working.
Get AN API key from Embedly - it works.

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hiswebteam replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a cause to this issue? I was under the impression you did not need an embedly key.
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
It will display some videos, but not all providers. The built in ones are:


Using the embed.ly key gives you access to hundreds of different providers for all types of media.
hiswebteam replied on at Permalink Reply
Exactly. I'm having trouble rendering youtube videos. Maybe I have an unrelated issue.
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you give me a sample URL from youtube that you're using, and the page where it shows up?

Might be better to put that in as an actual support request, too...
hiswebteam replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I might do that in a bit. I think I will continue to trouble shoot for a bit. the youtube link ishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gGMF5rJXNQ...
hiswebteam replied on at Permalink Reply
Just added an embedly key and everything is working now. huh...
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried posting that on a site using this, and didn't get it at first. It's kind of a custom install, but these are the things I had to change.

1) Make sure there is no link on the URL. It should just be plain text
2) After removing the link, there was <wbr /> in the middle of the link when I viewed the source. Not sure where that came from, I've never seen it before.
3) There should be nothing between the URL and the <p> tags surrounding it. One way to make sure that doesn't happen is to use [oembed]http://...[/oembed] instead of just trusting it to copy paste. Sometimes tinyMCE can include spans around pasted text, for instance.

I'm really not sure why an embed.ly key would fix it though. It might be an issue with the regex? I can look into it more after work tonight.
hiswebteam replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I decided to remove the API key and test it out again. The video was still embeded, so it doesnt look like the API key really did anything special. I removed the link, saved, and added the link again, and everything was fine.

To be honest, I have no idea what caused the problem or what fixed it.
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
Really weird. My only thought is that it could have been from the html around the pasted URL, but without seeing the source in tinyMCE that's at best a guess.

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