Create new theme for carousel

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This is tutorial on how to create a new theme:
1- Theme css files located at the "\packages\whale_owl_carousel\css\owl_themes\". you can see currently there are one theme (owl) there, so you can duplicate this folder and rename to something like "new_theme".
2- Now go to ''\packages\whale_owl_carousel\controllers\dashboard\files\whale_owl_carousel\" and open controller.php file.
At __construct method, you can see a array variable that contains list of themes:
$this->carouselThemes = array('owl'=>t('Owl'));

You should add you new theme folder name (as a handle) and title tothis array:
$this->carouselThemes = array('owl'=>t('Owl'), 'new_theme'=>t('New Theme'));

Now at the dashboard carousel generator you can see new theme available for user to select.
3- If you want to new_theme be default theme, you should edit:
public $carouselTheme = 'owl'; //default value

4- Now you can start edit new theme css file.

Also i suggest everyone who create new theme, share his theme at this topic.

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