adding "Continue Reading" link

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Is there any way to add a link at the end of each teaser text like "Continue Reading..." or "more..."?

Michael LaBash

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can do this by modifying the template as follows (assuming you're running Concrete5.5 or 5.6 and using the latest version of the addon):

1) copy this file:
SITEROOT/packages/page_list_teasers/blocks/page_list/templates/teasers.php here:

(you'll need to create some of those folders in the /blocks/ directory to put the copy of the "teasers.php" file into)

2) Edit the copy of the file ( SITEROOT/blocks/page_list/templates/teasers.php ), and find this chunk of code:
<div class="ccm-page-list-description">
   <?php  echo $teaser; ?>

...and change it to something like this:
<div class="ccm-page-list-description">
   <?php echo $teaser; ?>
   <a href="<?php  echo $url; ?>">Continue Reading...</a>

Hope that helps!

lavapen replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I'll try it out.

Is there any difference between the first two locations you listed...I cant see it:

1) Copy this file:
SITEROOT/packages/page_list_teasers/blocks/page_list/templates/teasers.php here:


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