Page list +

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Hi:-) can you make me a search block based on page list +... that the only thing you shall take away from page list+, its that pagelists are viewed on page load. And only viewed after write search words and clicked search... the the page lists be viwed as rearch resoults. Because this block i shall use as a search block and not pas a page lists.

like i viwed on the picture

and how much mony shall you have for make me that block :-)

and give the block another name than page list +.. because i also use page list + and love it....:-)

Picture :


Geir Johansen

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
This functionality should have already been in place, but there was a bug. I am updating to v1.2.7 which should allow what you are looking for.

Once the addon is updated to v1.2.7 this should work:
* Add a Page List+ Block
* Update your Page Selection tab
* Go to the Search tab and tick the 'use for search' box
* Tick the box for 'Show Form'
* Tick the box for 'Show search box'. Fill in the new inputs
* Tick the box for 'Submit via ajax'
* Tick the box for 'show results'
* Ensure that the box for 'show all results on load' is unticked
* Tick the box for 'get results via ajax'

Once again, this won't work until v1.2.7.
Falconova replied on at Permalink Reply
Updated today to 1.2.7...and now nothing is vivew..not pagelist, and no search resoults. Before i updated... i had both the standard pagelist follow when install concrete, and page list+ to test. over eachother.... and both be viwed as the same.... but.... if i deleted the block with the standard pagelist.... then page list+ disapared too....?????

and before this... i have not the pagination in the standard pagelist, only pagelist listings...and then the pagination in page list+ disapared, and be only text, over eachother and not vivew like it shpould be.. but as soon as i put view pagination in the standard pagelist, then the pagination also be like it should be in page list+.

But now.... after uptdating... nothing work in page list+...not pagelists, and not pagelist resoults and no search resoults.

Geir Johansen
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
I've reviewed the HTML and I'm now able to duplicate the error that you are getting. I'll send it to you when I get it fixed.
SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
I've updated to v1.2.9, which resolves an issue where the results don't show on page load. Can you upgrade to this latest version?

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