Creating area without image causes error when trying to edit

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if you add an area and do NOT add an image, when you try to go back and edit that same parallax area, it throws an error
Call to a member function getApprovedVersion() on null

BTW, I discovered this while testing after I had the addon causing errors I posted about here (by mistake I posted for the wrong version, but since the issue is fixed, oh well). So go ahead and close that one.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
The reason I tried creating an area without an image leads me to some ideas that could make this add-on much more flexible.

I created 2 different parallax areas. The 1st I included an image. The 2nd one did not include an image, but I set a background color. (I wish I could set an opacity for the color, and a specific Height for the block area.).
Here is why...

Then, I set this custom class of the first one on an AREA DESIGN (rather than on a BLOCKS CUSTOM DESIGN).
Then, I added a Block to this area, and TRIED to use the 2nd custom class (the one with no image and only a background color).

Well it works as expected, but not ideal. The Parallax Image works on the area, and the color background displays above it, just like I wanted. But I can';t really use it because the color is solid and needs some opacity, and it's too big (which is why setting the height would be needed).

Any chance of implementing this?
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Owen,
1 - I Added an option for opacity. (Ver 2.2.1)
2- About the height, you can add padding top/bottom to increase the height of area.
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Shahroq,

Thanks! I haven't tried this yet, but about the height, I actually wanted to DECREASE the height that it defaulted to when I first tried this. So I don;t know if your suggestion of adding padding will work. What do you think? Maybe negative padding? Or is there a default padding that will be over-ridden by specifying it?
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
So decrease the the default padding which is 120px for both top & bottom.

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# concrete5 Version
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