Customizing Emails

Receipt and notification emails can be configured from the Payments with Stripe /Email Settings dashboard page.

Within this page, the following can be configured:

  • The email to send payment notifications to, or disabled
  • The subject of the notification email can be customized
  • The outgoing receipt and membership emails can be configured to come from a specified name/email
  • The subject of the receipt email can be customised
  • A header and footer can be added to the receipt email, such as adding in business contact details or a logo
  • The membership email subjects, as well as the email body contents can be customized, for both new members, or those that have had updated access

Beyond the above configurations, the email templates can be customized by overriding the templates:

  • Find within the folder /packages/msv_payments_stripe/mail the template you wish to override (they are named clearly)
  • Copy the file from this directory into /application/mail
  • Edit the copy of the template within the /application/mail folder as desired