
Adding a Campaign

  • Go to {your site}/index.php/dashboard/skybluesofa/pink_spoon/ to add a new Pink Spoon Campaign. Click the 'Add a Campaign' button.
  • Fill out the form. It should be pretty self-explanatory. 
    • The HTML email content should be a .txt file
    • The 'content' tab is the tricky one: there are lots of HTML content areas.
  • You don't need to choose the Giveaway Page yet, we'll do that later.
  • Click the 'Save Campaign' button when you're done


Adding a Gift Download page

  • Create a new page somewhere on the site. You can add whatever content you wish to the page. Make sure that you check the 'Exclude from Nav' page attribute for this page.
  • Add a 'Pink Spoon: The Gift' block to this page. Select the campaign you created earlier from the drop down.
  • Go back to the Pink Spoon dashboard page and edit the campaign you created
  • Edit the 'Giveaway page' on the form and choose this Download page you just created.


Adding a Signup block to pages

  • On any page other than the gift download page you just created, add a 'Pink Spoon: Email Gatherer' block and select the campaign you created.


How it works

  • A site visitor will see the signup block and enter their email (and name, company name, phone nubmer and/or zip code, if setup in the campaign)
  • The site will send the visitor an email using the content that has been setup on the email tab of the 'Edit Campaign' screen.
  • The visitor opens the email and clicks on the link (which has a coupon code). They are directed to the Giveaway Page that you setup.
  • If the coupon code is verified, the 'Gift' block will show the HTML content you setup with the link to the file they can download. The system adds the visit to the page and counts this as a 'verified' email address.
  • If the coupon code is not verified, the 'Gift' block will show the "can't download" HTML you setup
  • When the visitor clicks on the link to download the file, the system will add the click as a successful download and then serve the file to the visitor.



  • You can view a report for the campaign that shows the email addresses that were gathered, when the page was viewed by which email address, and when the file was downloaded.