Not working well on phones using iframe

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I have been using your add on for years, and I have a email subscribe popup which comes on the homepage one time per session.
I have made it link to remote html page

In Desktops, it works great, but in android it looks OK, but not great (it makes a very small frame and a tiny bit of text from the remote page shows up and then a 4-arrow expand button) The idea is ok, but the expand button takes me like 4-5 times of pressing before it opens the whole pop up

On iphone, it looks very messy (Look at attachment).
It pops up, but on IOS, it creates a border but then all the data shows outside the border and the remote has the popup window border running right through it. It would be much nicer if the popup just opened all the way or if it did sort of what the android did. Or if there was a way to say if viewing from a mobile device do not pop up at all.
I am using iframe remote page.

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