Tag and Category list in alphabetical order doesn`t work

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The Tag and Category list in alphabetical order doesn`t work.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

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RadiantWeb Support
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
no I don't think you will be able to do that unless you make a custom view and sort that array because the list is not sorting keywords...it's sorting pages which will have any number of keywords in no specific order. But again, you should be able to make a custom view that sorts those.
web089 replied on at Permalink Reply
ok. So I would be great to add it on your roadmap.
kirk74 replied on at Permalink Reply
I assume you are talking about the category / tag list in the sidebar ...

In my case, I don't mind if it is alphabetical / newest to oldest / site map order.. BUT I just want it to be consistent... What is happening with mine, are 2 critical issues:

1. is it keeps changing order depending on the page you are on.

2. The display of the number of posts in that category / tag is not correct... eg in a category that I have 2 posts in it just says 2.. and there is a category that has a post, and it doesn't appear on the list.

These issues remain regardless of which sorting order i choose ( alphabetical / newest to oldest / site map order, etc) .. and yes I have cleared the cache.

thx very much
kirk74 replied on at Permalink Reply
AN update to this:

But I thought I would check out your own page (http://goradiantweb.com/blog) to see a perfect example of the blog in action.. and I was surprised to see that Category List is not working correctly on your site!.. When each of the category list items are clicked, the blog display does NOT change accordingly.. It does for tags.. but not for categories.. please have a look you will see what I mean.

My issues are slightly different, but still critical basic behavior issues.. I am NOT trying to do anything tricky, just want it work as a basic blog should.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Kirstie,

just letting you know I received this. Thank you for your persistence.

I am very tied up in a pre-Christmas software release at the moment. But as SOON as I get the chance, I will look into your issue. I apologize for the delay.

Merry Christmas.


> On Dec 17, 2015, at 5:09 PM, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
kirk74 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Chad, Still have this major issue, thanks.

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