Tying Form Records together.

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I am trying to tie the records of one form to the record of another.
I have League Entry Form:
I want to tie to a user.
Form Records:
League1 President phone emaail <user>

For that User on the Team Form I want him to create teams for only that League.

Right now the Team form has an associated object where I use a input type select from Form Add League.
But all League records in that pull down are available. ( also the record inserted from pulldown is an ID of the select instead of the Value. another issue)

I guess for that user when they goto Team Add I dont want a pull down but a prepopulated disabled field maybe hidden that gets the League name that user is associated to.

Any help would be appreciated.

register a user and the forms will be available for view.

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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teamdb replied on at Permalink Reply
Also I am having trouble with associated_user handle. I have an associated user on the Add Team form and one on the League form. It wont let me create a handle of associated_user for both (makes sense ) but how do I add that option to more than one field?

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