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Quickie Player

Need a Video on Your Site Yesterday?

All you have to do to end up with a responsive video player is add a YouTube or Vimeo URL in the 'URL' field. If your video isn't on YouTube or Vimeo, try using an embed code from your favorite video site.

Please Note: Not all embed codes are supported at this time when not using a YouTube or Vimeo URL. <OBJECT> and <EMBED> codes work the best when using this method.

Quickie Player Interface


Completely Responsive

Uses the FitVids.js jQuery addon to dynamically resize your videos based on the media queries set in your CSS.  Check out www.fitvidsjs.com for more information if you'd like to modify this block.

URL Syntax

Use the following syntax for the best results, 'https://' and additional URL flags work in most cases.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABC1234
  • http://www.youtu.be/ABC1234
  • http://www.vimeo.com/12345678



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